Poplar and Willow Council of Canada - Environmental Services and Bioenergy Working Group skip to content

Environmental Services and Bioenergy Working Group

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The Environmental Services and Bioenergy Working Group of PWCC came into being as a result of a strategic planning workshop in May 2010.  The group aims to improve the acceptance of the use of poplars and willows for environmental services, in order to make such services an accredited and proven technology seen by regulators and engineers as a reliable alternative to business as usual.

Environmental services that can be provided by poplars and willows are many and varied, and include:

  • renewable bioenergy production
  • effluent and biosolid management
  • brownfield rehabilitation
  • landfill rehabilitation
  • living sound barriers
  • living snow fences
  • shelterbelts
  • riparian buffers
  • salinity control.

The group has produced a informative factsheet describing environmental services of poplars and willows. Future white papers will expand on the description, and will also discuss socio-economic values, how environmental services can benefit from current and potential future policies, and how environmental services could become a more accepted technology through ISO accreditation.

Present members of the Working Group come from six provinces across the country and represent a variety of different sectors including regulation, university and industry.

Poplars and willows for environmental services. Poplar Council of Canada factsheet 2012.